Friday, February 18, 2005


G’day Mate!

Tanner and I spent a wonderful and sunny day in Sydney. We started off strolling through the Royal Gardens where we found a few statues to take pictures of.

Between Two Lions

There’s a lovely picture for Mum!

Toward the end of the gardens was the Sydney Opera House, a breathtaking structure and a definite must see.

The Sydney Opera House

We saw the famous harbor bridge and walked around the Circular Quay (pronounced key).

Supporting the Bridge

There were shops all along the quay. One of them was an Aborigine art gallery where a man demonstrated how to play a didgeridoo (of course Tanner wants to buy one and send it home).

After brochure surfing, I took us on an “art tour”. We caught the city bus to a ceramics gallery. It was quite small and Tanner found the architecture of the basement more interesting than the art. After a couple of close calls while crossing the street (they drive on the opposite side), we jumped on a bus to a historic area called “the Rocks” and grabbed an expensive bite to eat. The Contemporary art museum was our next stop followed by the New South Wales Art Gallery. Tanner was feeling a bit jet-lagged so he took in a nap under one of the huge trees in the park while I finished up the Gallery.

Bottle Art

We stayed with a lovely aussie couple named Mick and Sylvia. While we visited they shared some Australian culture with us like vegimite on toast and common colloquialisms such as “carrying on like a pork chop” and “no dramas”. We had a great time and look forward to spending a few more days in Sydney on our way back through.

Mick and Sylvia (in the morning)

Joy Noguess

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